The Yaesu FT-101ZD is a well-regarded hybrid HF transceiver that has become a classic in the amateur radio community due to its features, performance, and versatility. Here's a brief overview of its,The Yaesu FT-101ZD is a well-regarded hybrid HF transceiver that has become a classic in the amateur radio community due to its features, performance, and versatility. Here's a brief overview of its,八重洲無線HF・50MHz帯用トランシーバー新製品を発表 | 電波新聞デジタル,Bibian 比比昂- FT-101Z 系メーター八重洲無線HF機FT-101ZSD FT-101ZD - Bibian 比比昂日本代標,YAESU FT-710 Users | Facebook