Comparative Study of Starch Phosphorylase Genes and Encoded Proteins in Various Monocots and Dicots with Emphasis on Maize,Gamma-ray-irradiated preparation and performance of magnetothermally responsive hybrid materials towards the tandem hydrogenation of halonitrobenzenes - ScienceDirect,Efficient Modulation of Electron Pathways by Constructing a MnO2–x@CeO2 Interface toward Advanced Lithium–Oxygen Batteries | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Kamen Rider x Super Sentai x Metal Hero x Madan Senki x Tomica Hero x Pretty Cure x Aikatsu! x Chouseishin: Super Hero Taisen X/Transcript | Fandom of Pretty Cure Wiki |,Comparative Study of Starch Phosphorylase Genes and Encoded Proteins in Various Monocots and Dicots with Emphasis on Maize