The effortlessly stunning Backless Dress from our Friends of SHANGHAI TANG collection, as snapped on @cclaaaaa #ShanghaiTang #FriendsofShanghaiTang #ModernAsianAesthetics #ContemporaryChinoiserie #TheExtraordinaryEveryday @yz_joe__,チャイナ服 エレガント刺繍チャイナドレス(ドレス)|チャイナ服専門通販chinii(チャイニー),Women's Dresses | Shanghai Tang,SHANGHAI TANG | Modern Asian aesthetics with a touch of contemporary chinoiserie, evocative contrasts, timeless elegance, and joie de vivre.,SHANGHAI TANG | Modern Asian aesthetics with a touch of contemporary chinoiserie, evocative contrasts, timeless elegance, and joie de vivre.